abhivrritti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of abhivrritti 1. उनमें एक सर्जनात्मक अभिवृत्ति विकसित करने में सहायक होगा. उनके मन में। 2. सर्ज-~नात्मक अभिवृत्ति दोनों महत्वपूर्ण हैं.। 3. प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी को व्यक्तिगत अभिवृत्ति एवं योग्यता के अनुकूल। 1. Sensation, feeling, feeling fatigue 2. fideism male name (Latin fides, faith) doctrine that religious faith depends on feeling and not reason 3. 2 Aesthetics is the science of feeling 4. 3 What unites the members of the ancient family is something more powerful than birth, the feeling that physical force: it is the religion of the household and ancestors 5. A feeling at once noble and country had to occur at a time when the French showed themselves so worthy of their ancestors

Given are the examples of hindi word abhivrritti usage in english sentences. The examples of abhivrritti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., feeling.

t is the feeling side of intelligence.

For example, if an individual gets promotion in the organisation, it satisfies him psychologically more as he gets a feeling of elevation, increase in status, increase in authority, challenge in the job etc.
It is an internal feeling of an individual and leads to goal directed behaviour.
It was really a sad feeling to sit there and not get anything while everybody else had won something, Ebright said.
It is a good sound to read by the rain outside, the quiet within and, although tin roofs are given to springing unaccountable leaks, there is a feeling of being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain.
That only came to pass when the political pressure to isolate South Africa applied by the newly decolonised nations of Asia and Africa combined with liberal feeling in Britain and forced the English cricket authorities to cancel a tour by South Africa in 1970.
Similarly, the presence of dust particles, or other suspended particles, may give a feeling of suffocation and difficulty in breathing, and may actually lead to respiratory disorders.
It refers to a feeling of discomfort because there are too many people or things around us, giving us the experience of physical restriction, and sometimes the lack of privacy.
Social reactions, such as withdrawal from others, getting into conflict with others, having frequent arguments with even loved ones, and feeling rejected or left out.
A general physiological state of arousal, or feeling activated, might often be expressed in the form of aggression.
संबंधित शब्द अभिवृत्ति के पर्यायवाची