avapaat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Crystalline Provence and Provence limestone are separated by a depression that surrounds the Maures Toulon Saint-Raphael and is cleared in red shale and sandstone Permian 2. ERTA'ALE ERTA'ALE active basaltic volcano located in Ethiopia (autonomous region of Tigray) in the tectonic depression Danakilie (or Afar) 3. Fittingly, since in women, anxiety often arises when matter is her femininity (anorexia puberty, depression accompanying or following pregnancy, anxiety consecutive raptus to orgasm) 4. For, for experimental or therapeutic purposes, generally artificial tolerance, one can use several methods that cause depression lymphocompétent system 5. Gompers adhered in 1864 to the union of cigar makers (Cigarmaker's Union), but it is practically collapsed in 1873 when began a period of serious economic depression

Given are the examples of hindi word avapaat usage in english sentences. The examples of avapaat are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., slump.

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