avavodhaka example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Young man, here in Kazan, where he sometimes baker, sometimes tank top, last night watchman 2. His columns of La Tribuna show that it is on the lookout for anything that seems 3. This geographical position explains the role of lookout post and market as a link between the mountainous hinterland and the Mediterranean world which was his in antiquity and multiplicity of civilizations mingled there 4. 100 of sulfuric acid (Kolbe solution) when we can not use mercury, only liquid satisfactory guard 5. After his release, he wanders through France and, after the revolution of 1830, posing as a victim of the Restoration, he gets a job sergeant to guard the mill Croulebarbe Paris

Given are the examples of hindi word avavodhaka usage in english sentences. The examples of avavodhaka are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., watchman, lookout, watcher, night watchman, guard, solar, sun, guru, faculty member, teacher, master, educator, pedagogue, staff, academician, coach, school teacher, beak, schoolteacher, tutor, thought, consideration, resolved, think, opinion, meditation, notion, feeling, speculation, dialogue, contemplation, voice, thing, idea, deliberation, view/views, mind, sentiment, determination, concept, excogitation, observation, discretion, cogitation, viewpoint, view, trial, judgment, estimation, bet, intention.

Do you think cloth is found frequently by archaeologists?क्या पुरातत्त्वविदों को बहुधा कपड़ों के अवशेष मिलते होंगे?

As grain had to be stored for both food and seed, people had to think of ways of storing it.अनाज को भोजन और बीज, दोनों ही रूपों में बचा कर रखना आवश्यक था, इसलिए लोगों को इसके भंडारण की बात सोचनी पड़ी|
Do you think hunter-gatherers would have made and used pots?क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि शिकारी या भोजन-संगह्र करने वाले बतर्न बनाते और उनका प्रयोग करते होंगे?
The sun gives light to the world.सूरज दुनिया को प्रकाश देता है|
It has a complex organisation structure in which actual production is in the hands of several skilled artisans and marketing is done by staff at branches such as the one managed by Suhasini.
It can be acquired through study, observation and experience.
Management can be said to be an art since it satisfies the following criteria: A successful manager practices the art of management in the day-to-day job of managing an enterprise based on study, observation and experience.
Principles based on experimen-tation: Scientific principles are first developed through observation and then tested through repeated experimentation under controlled conditions.
The principles of management have evolved over a period of time based on repeated experimentation and observation in different types of organisations.
The various functions of a manager are usually discussed in the order given above, suggesting that a manager first plans, then organises, puts staff in position, then directs, and finally controls.
संबंधित शब्द अववोधक के पर्यायवाची