avyaavahaarikata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A form of romanticism (? Expressionism, cit 2. Born in Milan in 1893, very early it is imbued with the vitality of the city, with his taste for efficiency, scientific and industrial stocks mixed in memory of Lombard romanticism and positivism 3. Díaz Mirón deny later that first lyrical period, influenced by the romanticism of Byron and Victor Hugo; Sursum, A Gloria, Voces interiores illustrate this way 4. Espronceda is probably the only true romantic poet of his country, party Neoclassicism lingered, soon disdained Spanish avatar of Romantik according Schlegel and Madame de Stael for social romanticism 5. Gounod's opera has hardly retained the Prime Goethe's Faust as the hero discouragement and tragedy of Marguerite as is, this easy romanticism touches the public

Given are the examples of hindi word avyaavahaarikata usage in english sentences. The examples of avyaavahaarikata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tactlessness, impracticability, romanticism, impracticality, worthlessness.