asudhaarana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. / a Period of life of the human being from birth until the age of puberty 2. His faith in life in Art 3. Stages of sexual life of women 4. Supporter pains and hardships of life 5. The Elementary Forms of life religious book É

Given are the examples of hindi word asudhaarana usage in english sentences. The examples of asudhaarana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., life, soul, anima, being, existence, career, world, lot, existence, lie, existent.

People belief that there is some form of life after death.लोगों की आस्था है कि मृत्यु के बाद भी जीवन होता है|

A typical day in Suhasini s life consists of a series of interrelated and continuous functions.
, being efficient or as we say doing work efficiently.
This is a case of being efficient but not effective since the goods did not reach the market.
But undue emphasis on high efficiency without being effective is also not desirable.
The basic features of an art are as follows Existence of theoretical knowledge: Art presupposes the existence of certain theoretical knowledge.
There is a lot of literature available in various areas of management like marketing, finance and human resources which the manager has to specialise in.
There is existence of theoretical knowledge.
However, since management deals with human beings and human behaviour, the outcomes of these experiments are not capable of being accurately predicted or replicated.
However, it does have some of the features of a profession: All over the world there is marked growth in management as a discipline.
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