ahitakar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of ahitakar 1. शासकों के ऊपर दबाव डालना लोकतंत्र में कोई अहितकर गतिविधि नहीं बशतेर् इसका अवसर सबको çाप्त हो। 2. मेरी राय में मानव-दया के कार्यों की आड़ में धर्म-परिवर्तन करना कम-से-कम अहितकर तो है ही। 3. और इनका सदन में रहना हम लोगों के स्वास्थ के लिए अहितकर है। 4. एएफएसपीए को किसी भी रूप में कमजोर करना देश के लिए अहितकर होगा। 5. कच्चे जिज्ञासुओं पर इसका अहितकर प्रभाव भी पड़ सकता है. वे आत्मरत एवं। 1. This spoliation, on which religion is detrimental to human qualities themselves 2. Irradiated locally and certain territories of the embryo without damaging the neighboring territories 3. It is said of two material surfaces they "rub properly" in a mechanical bond when their relative displacement involves neither excessive wear or modification of structures or damaging temperature elevation 4. More damaging still are systematically set fires to improve wooded pasture 5. Now this is the spring of the antinomy, which will be less damaging to the work of Frege that illusion, related to that, a language with regularity artificial symbolic and universal language field municipalities

Given are the examples of hindi word ahitakar usage in english sentences. The examples of ahitakar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., malign, detrimental, damaging, harmful, malignant.

Similarly, many people who work in the unorganised sector have to work at a low wage and accept conditions that are not fair and are also often harmful to their health.

Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped completely.
Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to a complex disorder called diabetes mellitus which is associated with loss of glucose through urine and formation of harmful compounds known as ketone bodies.
Many damaging environmental effects can be reduced with the help of environment-friendly behaviour and a state of preparedness.
These days, there is a growing awareness that environmental problems such as noise, air, water and soil pollution, and unsatisfactory ways of garbage disposal have damaging effects on physical health.
By contrast, we also find examples of people damaging or destroying the environment, which is a negative instance of the instrumental perspective.
Some of the damaging environmental effects are described below.
However, continued exposure to uncontrollable and annoying noise can have harmful effects on mental health.
There can be harmful air pollution in the home and office environment (indoor environments) also.
Some of these chemicals can also have damaging psychological effects.
संबंधित शब्द अहितकर के पर्यायवाची अहितकर के विपरीत शब्द