aamod example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest आमोद aamod news and headlines :
1. बैंक के सिक्युरिटी गार्ड आमोद कुमार सिंह ने बताया कि करीब एक दर्जन नकाबपोश अपराधी पैदल ही... bhaskar.com2. सीएम के सचिव बने आमोद कुमार, दस पीसीएस के भी LiveHindustan3. उपहार कांड: आमोद कंठ के खिलाफ आरोपों पर होगी बहस LiveHindustan
Usage and Example of aamod 1. जीवन के नृत्यमय तारिका-मंडित सागर में आमोद की बहार लूटते हुए क्या उनकी नौका जलमग्न नहीं हो गयी? 2. इन लोगों को आमोद से कितना प्रेम है, मानो किसी को चिन्ता ही नहीं, मानो सभी सम्पन्न है, जब ही ये लोग इतने एकाग्र होकर सब काम कर सकते है। 3. प्रत्येक सुख--भोग, आमोद की एक एक रत्ती का मूल्य अनन्त हृदय और मस्तिष्क के सम्मिलित व्यय द्वारा चुकाया जाता है। 4. "आग की भीख" सुनना और महादेवी जी की वात्सल्य पूर्ण आमोद अभी भी मेरी मानस पटल पर अंकित है। 5. ट्रेड ऐनालिस्ट आमोद मेहरा कहते हैं, 'अगर रितिक अपनी किसी फिल्म के लिए 30 करोड़ ले रहे हैं, तो इसमें गलत क्या है? 1. From this speech will now organize the women erogeneity: cultural, kindergartens, but also sexual pleasure and orgasm 2. Gallimard reading pleasure and John Calvin, whose real name Cauvin Noyon, Oise, 1509-Geneva 1564 If they bring us under the title of the mind something that is contained in the Gospel, do not believe 3. If it comes to the small pleasure of histrionics is once in passing, and late career in On Golden Pond (1981) 4. I'll find a way to death is accompanied by pleasure 5. In the eighteenth century, there is an awareness of the importance of privacy, the pleasure of living in a setting suited to personal taste, and need for privacy

Given are the examples of hindi word aamod usage in english sentences. The examples of aamod are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., pleasure.

They also had well-planned orchards and pleasure gardens with sculptural motifs such as the lotus and corbels.

There were magnificent buildings and innumerable pleasure parks.
If motivation is adequately provided, work becomes a source of pleasure and workers attend to the work regularly.
The rich who could afford to play it for pleasure were called amateurs and the poor who played it for a living were called professionals.
To play for the pleasure of playing and not for money was an aristocratic value.
Besides, novels allowed individuals the pleasure of reading in private, as well as the joy of publicly reading or discussing stories with friends or relatives.
The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed, ''These aren't raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins.
'Oh, you unlucky man! There is no pleasure for you in this world and there will be none in the world to come.
Children try to get pleasure and fun out of swinging.
It works on the pleasure principle, which assumes that people seek pleasure and try to avoid pain.
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