i?diyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. And it is now the dominant sense in the public opinion of Western societies 2. bleached in the armies of the Republic, if they do not bend the knee to their opinion (DESMOULINS, Vx Cord 3. But for the opinion is all the settlements that is an extension of France beyond the seas 4. But the excommunication of Montan, in about 177, and the subsequent decline of the sect may have helped create a hostile opinion in the current glossolalia, which led to its decline 5. But this prospect is still dominated by disenchantment and bitterness of public opinion

Given are the examples of hindi word i?diyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of i?diyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., opinion, assessment, thought, mind, judgment, guess, judgement, thought, consideration, resolved, think, opinion, meditation, notion, feeling, speculation, dialogue, contemplation, voice, thing, idea, deliberation, view/views, sentiment, determination, concept, excogitation, observation, discretion, cogitation, viewpoint, view, trial, estimation, bet, intention, desire, intention, longing, desire, will, notion, longing, appetite, willing, volition, itch, wish, accord, readiness, wishfulness, care, wishing, want, stomach.

Do you think cloth is found frequently by archaeologists?क्या पुरातत्त्वविदों को बहुधा कपड़ों के अवशेष मिलते होंगे?

You will sometimes find AD before dates. This stands for two Latin words, ‘Anno Domini’, meaning ‘in the year of the Lord’ (i.e. Christ).कभी-कभी तुम तिथियों से पहले ए-डी- (हिंदी में ई-) लिखा पाती हो| यह ‘एनो डोमिनी’ नामक दो लैटिन शब्दों से बना है तथा इसका तात्पयर् ईसा मसीह के जन्म के वर्ष से है|
As grain had to be stored for both food and seed, people had to think of ways of storing it.अनाज को भोजन और बीज, दोनों ही रूपों में बचा कर रखना आवश्यक था, इसलिए लोगों को इसके भंडारण की बात सोचनी पड़ी|
Do you think hunter-gatherers would have made and used pots?क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि शिकारी या भोजन-संगह्र करने वाले बतर्न बनाते और उनका प्रयोग करते होंगे?
Later in this chapter you will understand that although both of them are managers, they function at different levels in the organisation.
These functions are planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling which we will discuss later in the chapter and the book.
It can be acquired through study, observation and experience.
For example, two dancers, two speakers, two actors, or two writers will always differ in demonstrating their art.
Management can be said to be an art since it satisfies the following criteria: A successful manager practices the art of management in the day-to-day job of managing an enterprise based on study, observation and experience.
This gives rise to different styles of management The best managers are committed and dedicated individuals; highly trained and educated, with personal qualities such as ambition, self- motivation, creativity and imagination, a desire for development of the self and the organisation they belong to.
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