udar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उदर udar news and headlines :
1. उदर रोगों की नवीन उपचार विधियों पर चर्चा amarujala.comUsage and Example of udar 1. यह सर्वग्राही अंधकार संपूर्ण विश्व को अपने उदर में छिपाए है। 2. “इदर नहीं, उदर टेबल पर लेकर चल.”। 3. उनका उदर बहोत बड़ा हे जो संकेत करता हे की सेनापति/आगेवान को सब कुछ अपने पेट में रखना चाहिए.। 4. उदर विकार में तुरंत फायदा पहुंचता है। 5. इस रोग का प्रभाव आम तौर पर पैरों पर ज्यादा होता है लेकिन उदर और बांहो में भी लक्षण हो सकते हैं। 1. Having stomach: be paunchy, having belly 2. I, who have never drunk, it seems that I have gallons of water in the belly (ANOUILH, Repeat 3. The archegonia have the shape of a bottle whose the belly is pressed into the fabric of prothallus, while the long neck protrudes on the underside 4. The diameter of its belly exceeds that of its head to the end of the seventh month and buttocks become larger than his head in the eighth month (fig 5. ) a wool puppet head with big eyes and a flower carefully sewn protruding belly

Given are the examples of hindi word udar usage in english sentences. The examples of udar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., abdomen, belly, stomach, venter, maw.

The internal parasites like worms, affect stomach and intestine while flukes damage the liver.

Females have a pair of ovaries located in the abdomen (Figureure 2 1).
Hydrochloric acid present in the gastric juice is secreted by the lining of our stomach in a significant amount of 2- 5 L/day and is essential for digestive processes.
The opening of the stomach into the duodenum is guarded by the pyloric sphincter.
This layer forms irregular folds (rugae) in the stomach and small finger-like foldings called villi in the small intestine (Figureure 1 5).
Mucosa also forms glands in the stomach (gastric glands) and crypts in between the bases of villi in the intestine (crypts of Lieberkuhn).
The food mixes thoroughly with the acidic gastric juice of the stomach by the churning movements of its muscular wall and is called the chyme.
It is the ejection of stomach contents through the mouth.
They suffer from stomach upsets, body aches, nausea, diarrhoea and fever etc.
The next I remember I was lying on my stomach beside the pool, vomiting.
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