unmesh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of unmesh 1. स्वामीजी इसी युवा शक्ति को जाग्रत करना चाहते थे, उनमें जीवन-वसन्त का उन्मेष और उसी असीम सम्भावना का विकास देखना चाहते थे। 1. Disenchantment is naturally visible in the field of politics 2. For some (including Smelser), the group is a quasi-abstraction, for others (including Gurvitch), a real social unit "directly observable, visible from the outside 3. From 1926-1931, his role has increased by the fact that the royal person is the only visible link between the Member States of the new Commonwealth of Nations 4. Hence the idea that galaxies, clusters and the Universe contain a large amount of material that is not in visible form [cf 5. However, recent movements of the French lexicon can not be reduced to these loans, if they are visible

Given are the examples of hindi word unmesh usage in english sentences. The examples of unmesh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., visible.

When many year figureures are kept side by side, they help a great deal in exploring the trends visible in the business.

While some of these processes may be visible and, therefore, easily observable, there are also others that are relatively unfamiliar.
This property specifies whether the control embedded on the Form should be visible or hidden when the Form is opened.
In one of the experiments conducted to examine the effects of frustration, children were prevented from getting some attractive toys that were visible through a screen.
In a greenhouse, visible light passes through the transparent glass and heats up the soil and the plants.
The corruption of the politician is more visible and we get the impression that all politicians are corrupt.
He was regularly monitoring the comet, now clearly visible even to the naked eye.
During leptotene stage the chromosomes become gradually visible under the light microscope.
However, these are more clearly visible at the next stage.
Political parties are easily one of the most visible institutions in a democracy.
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