ushaanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The stylistic revolution is in fact a challenge to the Mannerist research from the late twelfth century; it corresponds to a desire to find an agreement between architecture and sculpture 2. The symbol of lack, needed to introduce his desire in the signifier, is the Freudian phallus "(W 3. The withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan (as of May 15, 1988) means, it seems, a desire to review the commitments agreed by Brezhnev the "African" 4. The young master was always female, and although could discover in him the possibility of being human in turn, he did not even have the appearance of design in an instant desire 5. Their construction makes the desire to define a space and defend against wild animals

Given are the examples of hindi word ushaanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of ushaanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., desire, will, notion, longing, appetite, willing, volition, itch, wish, accord, readiness, wishfulness, care, wishing, mind, want, stomach, ambition, will, desire, wish, thirst, desire, want, please, owe, love, aspire, mean, feel like, like, fancy, gasp, draw, long for, will, intend, require, be about to, choose, court.

People also began rearing animals like sheep, goat, and cattle. They lived in villages.उन्होंने भेड़, बकरी और गाय-बैल जैसे पशुओं को पालतू बनाना शुरू किया| ये लोग गाँवों में रहते थे|

Men and women moved in search of livelihood, as also to escape from natural disasters like floods or droughts.कभी लोग काम की तलाश में तो कभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के कारण एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान जाया करते थे|
Historians and archaeologists are like detectives, who use all these sources like clues to find out about our pasts.इतिहासकार तथा पुरातत्त्वविद् उन जासूसों की तरह हैं जो इन सभी स्रोतों का प्रयोग सुराग के रूप में कर अतीत को जानने का प्रयास करते हैं|
You will sometimes find AD before dates. This stands for two Latin words, ‘Anno Domini’, meaning ‘in the year of the Lord’ (i.e. Christ).कभी-कभी तुम तिथियों से पहले ए-डी- (हिंदी में ई-) लिखा पाती हो| यह ‘एनो डोमिनी’ नामक दो लैटिन शब्दों से बना है तथा इसका तात्पयर् ईसा मसीह के जन्म के वर्ष से है|
Gradually people encouraged animals like sheep, goat, cow and pig to come near the camps where they lived.धीरे-धीरे लोग भेड़, बकरी, गाय और सूअर जैसे जानवरों को अपने घरों के नज़दीक आने को उत्साहित करने लगे|
You please send a letter.आप एक पत्र भेजिएगा|
You please don't buy handkerchief in a shop.आप दुकान में रुमाल मत खरीदिए|
You please don't drink cold water.आप ठंडा पानी मत पीजिए|
You please teach us mathematics.आप हमें गणित सिखाइए|
You please withdraw a thousand rupees from the bank.आप बैंक से हज़ार रुपये निकालिए|
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