ai?dhaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Externally, it seals between Castile and France an alliance that will continue until the Catholic Monarchs 2. Follower of political realism Beneš, he gradually recognized the importance of the alliance in the East and cooperation with the Communists 3. For the Yugoslavs, popular democracy is a "specific form of Soviet democracy that begins where the working class, in alliance with all other working masses, holds key positions in state power" (E 4. Frederick wrote then that the Treaty of Vienna, which enters into a new alliance with Austria, made France the arbiter of Europe 5. He refused the French alliance after 1866 and is now, after 1873, the "brilliant second" of the German Empire

Given are the examples of hindi word ai?dhaa usage in english sentences. The examples of ai?dhaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., alliance, composition, treaty, confederacy, articulation, joint, accord.

However, what makes the composition of a musician unique or different is his use of these notes in a creative manner that is entirely his own interpretation.

Manifestations of creativity can be observed in a novel solution to a problem, an invention, composition of a poem, painting, new chemical process, an innovation in law, a breakthrough in preventing a disease and the like.
In many companies, these programmes are in practice in the form of joint management committees, work committees, canteen committees etc.
Population composition refers to the structure of the population.
The composition of population helps us to know how many are males or females, which age group they belong to, how educated they are and what type of occupations they are employed in, what their income levels and health conditions are.
An interesting way of studying the population composition of a country is by looking at the population pyramid, also called an age-sex pyramid.
The social composition along with the inability to buy food also plays a role in food insecurity.
The air transport was nationalised in 195 On the operational side, Indian Airlines, Alliance Air (subsidiary of Indian Airlines), private scheduled airlines and non- scheduled operators provide domestic air services.
Planning is basically an intellectual process involving thinking, articulation and analysis to discover and prescribe an appropriate course of action for achieving objectives.
With respect to ownership, the business organisation may take the form of a sale proprietorship, partnership, or a joint stock company.
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