ochha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of ochha 1. मैं भी कैसा ओछा हूं कि एक बे सिर-पैर की बात के पीछे ऐसा फूल उठा, इसी को लड़कपन कहते हैं। 2. चौधरी जाति का ओछा पर स्वभाव का ऊंचा था। 3. घाव ओछा पड़ा था, जिस पर भी खड़े होने की शक्ति न थी। 4. वह मुझे क्षुद्र, ओछा, धैर्यहीन समझेंगे। 5. चौधरी जाति का ओछा पर स्वभाव का ऊंचा था। 1. But the accuracy of these measurements was low 2. But the drier areas, often made of limestone, low rainfall, are reduced to the status of true steppes 3. CHIM Dyestuff which alkali salts communicate to the water, even at very low doses, an intense green color 4. Coal production fell to a very low level, five times lower than before the war (10 5. Compressibility is low

Given are the examples of hindi word ochha usage in english sentences. The examples of ochha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., unworthy, low, shallow.

Given the low levels of literacy in the rural sector, the role of the Choupal Sanchalak, the lead farmer of the village, in facilitating physical interface between the computer terminal and the farmers is central to the project.

The dabbawallas rely on low capital and use cycles, wooden carriages and local trains to achieve their target.
Generally, students having low intelligence are not likely to do so well in school-related examinations, but their success in life is not associated only with their intelligence test scores.
This means that, if a person exhibits one type of intelligence, it does not necessarily indicate being high or low on other types of intelligences.
Only a few people have either very high or very low scores.
Researchers have also found that both high and low level of creativity can be found in highly intelligent children and also children of average intelligence.
They were micro (meaning small ) agents consumers choosing their respective optimum combinations of goods to buy, given their tastes and incomes; and producers trying to make maximum profit out of producing their goods keeping their costs as low as possible and selling at a price as high as they could get in the markets.
You will see how they established control over the economy and society, collected revenue to meet all their expenses, bought the goods they wanted at low prices, produced crops they needed for export, and you will understand the changes that came about as a consequence.
For example, moneylenders in the informal sector that you read about in Chapter 3 adopt various tricks to bind the borrower: they could make the producer sell the produce to them at a low rate in return for a timely loan; they could force a small farmer like Swapna to sell her land to pay back the loan.
Similarly, many people who work in the unorganised sector have to work at a low wage and accept conditions that are not fair and are also often harmful to their health.
संबंधित शब्द ओछा के पर्यायवाची ओछा के विपरीत शब्द