kankreet example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest कंक्रीट kankreet news and headlines :
लाफार्ज की भारतीय संपत्ति का अधिग्रहण कर रेडी मिक्स कंक्रीट के कारोबार में उतरेगी निरमा amarujala.com कंक्रीट के जंगल में बदल रही हरी-भरी अरावली, बेपरवाह है सरकार amarujala.com गुरुवार शाम को बारिश से उखड़ी सड़कों चैंबराें को भरने के लिए आरयूआईडीपी के ठेकेदार ट्रैक्टर ट्रालियों से रातभर बालू मिट्टीे कंक्रीट डालते रहे bhaskar.com कंक्रीट का डिजाइन झड़ रहा है bhaskar.com लखनऊ मेट्रो के गर्डर की शटरिंग खुल गई, जिससे कंक्रीट पत्‍थर का मलबा वहां से गुजर रही कार पर जा गिराamarujala.com
Usage and Example of kankreet 1. सामने सीमेंट कंक्रीट का विशाल राक्षसी बाँध उस पर बनाया जा रहा है। 2. दिन के समय में ऐसाफेल्ट से बनी सड़कें एवं धातु और कंक्रीट से बने भवन गर्म हो जाते हैं। 3. विशद रूप में सीमेंट कंक्रीट के निर्माणों के कारण उन्हें भूमिगत जलभृत्तों या नदी में मिलाने का उपाय नहीं रह गया है। 4. सामने कंक्रीट की दीवारें। 5. जिस उपजाऊ मिट्टी को ऊंचे दाम चुकाकर कंक्रीट में बदला जा रहा है, उससे पैदा होने वाले खाद्यान्न की भरपाई कौन करेगा? 1. Other sources, Italian, Spanish, Provencal, are less productive; they affect more concrete areas 2. Pedagogue, de Gennes campaigning to strengthen the concrete aspect of science education in schools 3. Rationalists themselves, pushed by Anatole de Baudot, abandoning the metal for the benefit of reinforced concrete 4. Realization of concrete and variable (a notion, an idea, an abstraction, a process, an action) 5. Reinforced concrete was again overcome the iron mark, by the rigor of its forms, the resurgence of neo-classical spirit and condemn to silence the disciples of Viollet-le-Duc

Given are the examples of hindi word kankreet usage in english sentences. The examples of kankreet are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., concrete.

Metalled roads may be made of cement, concrete or even bitumen of coal, therefore, these are all weather roads.

Let us try to come up with some concrete proposals of reform.
The objectives define what the business is going to do in concrete terms that enable the business to analyse their own experience and as a result improve their performance.
He was giving them concrete proof that their might, hitherto dreaded and unquestioned, could be challenged by Indians.
As problems encountered by individuals as well as societies have become more evident and acute, psychologists have responded with concrete solutions.
In this section, we will discuss skills, concepts, and methods that are designed to help develop concrete competencies.
It is a set of concrete responses to stressful situations or events that are intended to resolve the problem and reduce stress.
The female form that was chosen to personify the nation did not stand for any particular woman in real life; rather it sought to give the abstract idea of the nation a concrete form.
Let us try to understand these aspects with a concrete example.
also operates through laws to ensure that concrete steps are taken to end inequity in the system.
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