kanjoosee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest कंजूसी kanjoosee news and headlines :
हंसी एक फ्री की पॉवरफुल दवा है और इसे लेने में कंजूसी नहीं बरतनी चाहिएlivehindustan.comतारीफ करने में कंजूसी क्योंlivehindustan.com महंगी पड़ेगी एडवांस टैक्स देने में कंजूसी LiveHindustan बोलने-बांटने में काहे की कंजूसी LiveHindustan पब्लिक की कंजूसी से एजेंसी ‘मालामाल’ LiveHindustan
1. If you pay the entrance fee, which is heavy, which is to admit that women are weak, lying, basses, you have the right to general weakness, lying, meanness

Given are the examples of hindi word kanjoosee usage in english sentences. The examples of kanjoosee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., penny pinching, parsimony, cheese paring, tightness, meanness.

These root words reflect the internal feelings of tightness and constriction of the muscles and breathing reported by many people under stress.

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