karkasha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of karkasha 1. और यदि आपको किसी बूढ़ी कर्कशा से बातें करना पड़े तब कुछ मिनिट ही कुछ घण्टे के बराबर लग सकते हैं–। 2. करती, अगर पूत जनती. पर मैं कर्कशा औरत कहलायी क्योंकि मैं लड़कियों की। 1. Synonyms: - fury - Harpy - shrew n gorgon 2. Thus, in this independent and quarrelsome people, the group group relations are organized according to moral principles recognized by all

Given are the examples of hindi word karkasha usage in english sentences. The examples of karkasha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., shrewish, termagant, shrew.