kukurajeebhee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The crisis therefore grows colonial expansion, even if it is not the sole cause 2. The liberal conception of homo economicus, rational, motivated by the sole criterion of profit, gives way to a more global view, which includes not only its material aspirations but also its social and political aspirations 3. The personality of Dilmun, evident in the sole use of these stamps is also apparent in most manifestations of material culture, such as pottery, but especially in religious buildings and funerary rites 4. The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the sole representative of the family in South America 5. This gives the signal, which is proportional to the starting signal, on the sole condition that kk is a constant and that V = V

Given are the examples of hindi word kukurajeebhee usage in english sentences. The examples of kukurajeebhee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sole.

His sole daytime relaxation was in the company of Khoka, his eight-year-old grandson, and of course at night looking through Dibya.

The commission consisted of landlords, government officials, and Gandhi as the sole representative of the peasants.
Its sole aim is to provide service either free of cost or at nominal cost, and not to earn profit.
Owner's funds means funds that are provided by the owners of an enterprise, which may be a sole trader or partners or shareholders of a company.
Thus, an individual's sole concern with the satisfaction of these needs reduces her/ him to the level of animals.
In 1956, the year the states of India were reorganised on the basis of language, the Parliament of Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) introduced an Act recognising Sinhala as the sole official language of the country.
Its sole aim is to provide service either free of cost or at nominal cost, and not to earn profit.
Ruchica's father is the sole proprietor of 'Friends Gifts', a firm engaged in the sale of gift items.
As in the case of communalism, casteism is rooted in the belief that caste is the sole basis of social community.
Most of these stores are organised as independent retail outlets in the form of sole traders or partnership firms.
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