kumisa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In this sense, it would oppose the normal game of democracy and withdraw the people the power to radically change the course of things 2. It is first a game with fear 3. Now the game is devoid of rules, providing dubious gains 4. One of the leaders of the game of contemporary art Maurice Estève was born May 2, 1904 in Culan (Cher) 5. Sometimes in agreement, sometimes in opposition to the West, Japan is playing its own game in the penetration and domination policy in China

Given are the examples of hindi word kumisa usage in english sentences. The examples of kumisa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., deception, cheat, duplicity, dupery, imposture, swindle, chicanery, circumvention, knavishness, hoax, elusiveness, subterfuge, game, traitorism, delusiveness, fraud, guile, coggery, eye wash, charlatanry.

They will compete against each other in the desert game .

This change gave bowlers the options of length, deception through the air, plus increased pace.
If you look at the game s equipment, you can see how cricket both changed with changing times and yet fundamentally remained true to its origins in rural England.
The invention of vulcanised rubber led to the introduction of pads in 1848 and protective gloves soon afterwards, and the modern game would be unimaginable without helmets made out of metal and synthetic lightweight materials.
The origins of Indian cricket are to be found in Bombay and the first Indian community to start playing the game was the small community of Zoroastrians, the Parsis.
It expanded the audience for the game by beaming cricket into small towns and villages.
Since India had the largest viewership for the game amongst the cricket-playing nations and the largest market in the cricketing world, the game s centre of gravity shifted to South Asia.
This transformation was made up of many smaller changes: the replacement of the gentlemanly amateur by the paid professional, the triumph of the one-day game as it overshadowed Test cricket in terms of popularity, and the remarkable changes in global commerce and technology.
You will study this history through the story of one game that in India has captured the imagination of the nation for some decades.
The game has, in fact, come to represent the unity of India.
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