kobara example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of kobara 1. हिमालय की उत्पत्ति की व्याख्या कोबर के भूसन्नति सिद्धांत और प्लेट विवर्तनिकी सिद्धांत द्वारा की जाती है। 1. The Pitti Palace, which Ammannati (1511-1592) after 1560 built the inner courtyard, serves as residence to the ruling family 2. The residence of its leader seems to have varied, but the medieval tradition attributes the name of Kumbi and this is probably Kumbi Saleh she remained fixed longer 3. The residence of the governor 4. The second condition implies the acceptance of a complete geographical separation between the place of employment and that of residence 5. This revision results from censorship in August by the Constitutional Council, certain provisions of the law on the entry and residence of foreigners in France

Given are the examples of hindi word kobara usage in english sentences. The examples of kobara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., residence, lodging, accommodations, residency, abidance, nest, quarter, chamber, cell, box, cabin.

The box given below illustrates how a company can fulfill its social responsibility.

Each cell is expected to have at least one factor or ability; some cells may have more than one factor.
The qualities of good leaders as identified by some researchers are shown in the box in previous page.
A year-and-a-half later, during his junior year, Ebright got the idea for his new theory about cell life.
When he saw those photos, Ebright didn t shout, Eureka! or even, I ve got it! But he believed that, along with his findings about insect hormones, the photos gave him the answer to one of biology s puzzles: how the cell can read the blueprint of its DNA.
DNA is the substance in the nucleus of a cell that controls heredity.
His high school research into the purpose of the spots on a monarch pupa eventually led him to his theory about cell life.
As food for this growing population, we will soon need more than a quarter of a billion tonnes of grain every year.
Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.
Yesterday afternoon the leopard lifted a dog from near the servants quarter below the school.
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