kaushalapoorn example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of kaushalapoorn 1. अंत में सचेतन प्रयत्न की अल्प माँगों के साथ कौशलपूर्ण निष्पादन स्वचालिता प्राप्त कर लेता है। 2. ‘तनाव‘ शीर्षक से चित्र-शृंखला में अब्दुल करीम एक असाधारण खिंचाव का कौशलपूर्ण बिम्ब जगाते आ रहे हैं। 3. एक मित्र अत्यंत कौशलपूर्ण तरीके से सितार बजाता था और दूसरा पक्के पारखी की तरह से सुनता था। 1. , skillful in 2. Nothing is more beautiful than her body when developed by athletics, nothing is more skilful than his hand, subtler than his mind 3. It seeks to promote religious renaissance "Point of worship, no government, he wrote to Lucien Bonaparte, April 18, 1801, the skilful conquerors are never scrambled with priests 4. Painter abundant (more than two hundred works already identified, is ranging from 1638 to his death), remarkably skilful and free writer, he frequently collaborated with figures of painters and history as Quellinus, Jordaens or Willeboirts

Given are the examples of hindi word kaushalapoorn usage in english sentences. The examples of kaushalapoorn are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., skillful, skilled, skilful, nifty.

Some of the earliest people who lived here were skilled gatherers, — that is, people who gathered their food.यहाँ रहने वाले आरंभिक लोगों में से कुछ कुशल संग्राहक थे जो आस-पास के जंगलों की विशाल संपदा से परिचित थे|

It has a complex organisation structure in which actual production is in the hands of several skilled artisans and marketing is done by staff at branches such as the one managed by Suhasini.
What is art? Art is the skillful and personal application of existing knowledge to achieve desired results.
A manager applies this acquired knowledge in a personalised and skillful manner in the light of the realities of a given situation.
A skilled and knowledgeable supervisor can build efficient team of workers.
Since no individual entrepreneur can do everything himself, he must identify the requirement of skilled and unskilled workers and managerial staff.
No doubt all this has benefited the under-developed nations too, but the results were not found to be very satisfactory due to poor administrative structure, lack of institutional framework and non-availability of skilled labour in these countries.
The first successful modern textile mill was established in Mumbai in 185 The warm, moist climate, port for importing machinery, availability of raw material and skilled labour resulted in rapid expansion of the industry in the region.
The densely populated states of Gujarat and Maharashtra provide both skilled and semi-skilled labour.
I know that myself; but where can I find work?” “How would you like to chop wood for me?” “I wouldn't refuse to do that, but in these days even skilled wood-cutters find themselves sitting without bread.
संबंधित शब्द कौशलपूर्ण के विपरीत शब्द