kredita example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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टीम दुनिया के सात बड़े देशों में क्रेडिट और डेबिट कार्ड, ई-वॉलेट, बिटकॉइन की मौजूदगी के बावजूद नोट का चलन बढ़ा हैlivehindustan.comमोदी सरकार के नोटबंदी के फैसले के बाद महाराष्ट्र के डिस्ट्रिक्ट क्रेडिट को-ऑपरेटिव (डीसीसी) बैंकों में सिर्फ 4 दिन के अंदर 5000 करोड़ कीमत के 500 और 1000 के पुराने नोट जमा कराए गए थेlivehindustan.comनोटबंदी के बाद आज पहली बार रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया ने क्रेडिट पॉलिसी का ऐलान कियाlivehindustan.comदेश में नोटबंदी के बाद नगदी रहित लेनदेन को बढ़ावा देने के सरकार के प्रयासों के बीच वैज्ञानिकों की चेतावनी आयी है कि क्रेडिट अथवा डेविट कार्ड को मात्र छह सेकेंड में हैक किया जा सकता हैlivehindustan.comसावधान! आपका क्रेडिट कार्ड मात्र छह सेकेंड में हो सकता है हैक
Usage and Example of kredita 1. इसके लिए एक तरीका है कि आप छोटी-छोटी चीजों के लिए क्रेडिट कार्ड के इस्तेमाल से बचें और ईएमआई पर वस्तुएं खरीदनें से बचें। 2. मैं मान गया और क्रेडिट कार्ड से पेमेन्‍ट कर दी, बिल मांगा और दवाई ली उसके खाने का तरीका छपा हुआ साथ में मिला। 3. उनके पास कोई क्रेडिट कार्ड और न ही कोई पोस्ट ट्रावेल चेक था। 4. क्या आप लेना चाहते हैं हमारी कंपनी का क्रेडिट कार्ड, हम अच्छे लोग हैं। 5. इसलिए वे चाहते थे कि हम दोनों सलीम और जावेद मिलकर इस पर काम करॆं और उन्होंने इस बात का पूरा ध्यान रखा कि हमें पैसों के साथ-साथ क्रेडिट भी पूरी मिले। 1. Have more courage, goodwill experience 2. To have more courage, goodwill than experience 3. Relational values ??are more fundamental, even when favors the active direction towards others ("I believe you, I trust you") 4. Said of values ??based on trust in the one who issues them 5. Similarly, the Trust did not need to be contained in a will, but could be established orally However the measures that came progressively restrict freedom bequests were often extended to trust

Given are the examples of hindi word kredita usage in english sentences. The examples of kredita are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., goodwill, trust.

Improving goodwill and motivation level of employees are examples of qualitative standards.

Moreover, it also includes certain non-operating items such as interest paid, profit/loss on sale of fixed assets, etc) and non-cash items (such as depreciation, goodwill to be written-off, etc.
But the moment we form a party, all the goodwill we have earned all these years will be lost.
Obtaining loan from financial institutions increases the goodwill of the borrowing company in the capital market.
In case of the whole business being taken over if the amount of debentures issued is more than the amount of the net assets taken over, Its difference (excess) will be treated as value of goodwill and the same shall also be debited while passing the journal entry for the purchase of vender's business (see Illustration 10).
In case of the whole business being taken over if the amount of debentures issued is more than the amount of the net assets taken over, Its difference (excess) will be treated as value of goodwill and the same shall also be debited while passing the journal entry for the purchase of vender's business (see Illustration 10).
In case of the whole business being taken over if the amount of debentures issued is more than the amount of the net assets taken over, Its difference (excess) will be treated as value of goodwill and the same shall also be debited while passing the journal entry for the purchase of vender's business (see Illustration 10).
In case of the whole business being taken over if the amount of debentures issued is more than the amount of the net assets taken over, Its difference (excess) will be treated as value of goodwill and the same shall also be debited while passing the journal entry for the purchase of vender's business (see Illustration 10).
In case of the whole business being taken over if the amount of debentures issued is more than the amount of the net assets taken over, Its difference (excess) will be treated as value of goodwill and the same shall also be debited while passing the journal entry for the purchase of vender's business (see Illustration 10).
In case of the whole business being taken over if the amount of debentures issued is more than the amount of the net assets taken over, Its difference (excess) will be treated as value of goodwill and the same shall also be debited while passing the journal entry for the purchase of vender's business (see Illustration 10).
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