krodh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest क्रोध krodh news and headlines :
1. कर्क- अति उत्साह या क्रोध में ऐसा कोई निर्णय न लें जो असहजता बढ़ा देibnlive.com2. जीवन में हुई दुख, खुशी, घृणा, क्रोध की घटनाओं को नजदीक से ऑब्जर्व करके ही एक कलाकार बेहतर बन सकता है bhaskar.com3. यह देखकर पाठक को क्रोध आया bhaskar.com4. व्यक्तित्व भीतर से संतुलित होगा तो क्रोध उससे टकराकर चला जाएगा पर प्रकट नहीं हो पाएगा
5. असंतुलित व्यक्ति को क्रोध जल्दी जकड़ लेता है bhaskar.comUsage and Example of krodh 1. परशुराम के क्रोध भरे वाक्यों का उत्तर लक्ष्मण व्यंग्य वचनों से देते हैं। 2. वामीरो की माँ क्रोध में उफन उठी। 3. जब कोई राह न सूझी तो क्रोध का शमन करने के लिए उसमें शक्ति भर उसे धरती में घोंप दिया और ताकत से उसे खींचने लगा। 4. मुझे अपनी पत्नी पर क्रोध आया। 5. उस पत्र में आंसू थे क्रोध था गालियां थीं। 1. This change causes the exasperation of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat 2. Y already appeared some signs of exasperation and anguish that had to show after the summer 3. Music, singing, inspired the boards, and passion overcame that, around him, going to the right 4. Not until the fourth century and reporting followed the Asian world's passion for being introduced into the art 5. Religiosity which was stamped Victorian society and his passion for proselytizing and preaching had gradually attiédies

Given are the examples of hindi word krodh usage in english sentences. The examples of krodh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., resentment, wrath, anger, ire, exasperation, irritation, irascibility, passion, aggravation, rage.

In all instances of frustration, you will always find the anger directed towards a single person openly or covertly and this man of the make-up department was convinced that all his woes, ignominy and neglect were due to Kothamangalam Subbu.

If tens of millions of Indians today drop everything to watch the Indian team play a Test match or a one-day international, it is reasonable for a history of India to explore how that stick-and-ball game invented in south-eastern England became the ruling passion of the Indian sub-continent.
Emotional reactions, such as grief and fear, irritability, anger (“Why should this happen to me?”), helplessness, hopelessness (“I could do nothing to prevent this event”), depression, sometimes absolute lack of emotion (numbness), guilt feelings for having survived while someone else in the family died, blaming oneself, and lack of interest in even routine activities.
With respect to social behaviour, the poor and deprived sections exhibit an attitude of resentment towards the rest of society.
Hostile aggression is that which is shown as an expression of anger towards the target, with the intention of harming her/ him, even if the aggressor does not wish to obtain anything from the victim.
It could also be because physical punishment makes the child angry and resentful; as the child grows up, s/he expresses this anger through aggressive behaviour.
For instance, the relationship between hostility and anger and CHD is not found to be the same in all cultures, (e.g., in India and China).
Sulphur dioxide causes irritation to the eyes, resulting in tears and redness.
If you say it's yours I hope you'll—” “It's mine!” cried Soapy, with anger in his voice.
So the anger of the peasants quickly spread among the sepoys.
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