khinn example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest खिन्न khinn news and headlines :
कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओं ने उत्तर प्रदेश में पिछले दिनों हुए रेल हादसे में दोषियों के खिलाफ अभी तक कोई कार्रवाई न होने से खिन्न होकर जोरदार प्रदर्शन किया प्रदर्शन समाप्त होने के बाद सभापति छन्नी साहू भी खिन्न दिखीं शराबी बाप से खिन्न बिटिया मजदूरी को विवश LiveHindustan वेतन विसंगतियों पर खिन्न पुलिस कर्मियों ने बांधी काली पट्टी LiveHindustan खिन्न बिट्टा सोनिया से मांगेंगे आत्मदाह की अनुमति LiveHindustan
Usage and Example of khinn 1. मुझे संशय हुआ कहीं मेरे कथन से उसका चित्त खिन्न न हो गया हो। 2. उन्होंने खिन्न होकर कहा-आखिर क्यों? 3. उन्होंने पत्नीहरण से खिन्न व भटकते रामचंद्रजी की सुग्रीव से मित्रता कराई। 4. लाला जी रीतिकालीन आचार्य परम्परा के अच्छे ज्ञाता थे लेकिन वे विदेशी दासता से उतना ही खिन्न थे जितना कि उस समय का जनमानस और राष्ट्रीय राजनैतिक दल। 5. पर मन थोडा खिन्न भी था क्योंकि साथ में दो भुत भी चिपक गए थे ! 1. Large families are exhausted to follow the sovereign, but also know monetize their support 2. Painting The history of painting appears more mixed with a reaction that wants dramatic against the use of repeated formulas and often exhausted 3. She leaves again Silesia to Prussia The kingdom is exhausted 4. Space as a lack But since space is opening dimension, he is never fixed nor exhausted 5. The images, he says, a lot are still exhausted and worn that one passes from one generation to another; they characterize anything

Given are the examples of hindi word khinn usage in english sentences. The examples of khinn are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., regretful, surly, doleful, hurt, sad, sullen, aggrieved, distressed.

You might be interested in knowing how an aggrieved person gets his or her compensation.

It was really a sad feeling to sit there and not get anything while everybody else had won something, Ebright said.
That was the end of a brief and brilliant acting career the legal adviser, who was also a member of the Story Department, had unwittingly brought about that sad end.
And from that day to this the Camel always wears a humph (we call it hump now, not to hurt his feelings); but he has never yet caught up with the three days that he missed at the beginning of the world, and he has never yet learned how to behave.
For this we expect others to behave in such a way that does not harm us or hurt us.
Equally, our actions should not also harm or hurt others.
In case of any violation of a Fundamental Right the aggrieved person can go to a court for remedy.
Any one can approach the courts if public interest is hurt by the actions of government.
No one can imagine how sad and monotonous life can appear to such a vagabond, who plods along the road, left to his own meditations.
In the evening, when the Christmas tree was lighted, they woke him up again, and he stood for a while in the drawing room, blinking as though the candlelight hurt him, but after that he disappeared again.
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