garoh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It is a Neolithic hunter-fishermen, practicing gathering 2. was so focused around its leader, who traveled throughout Spain by gathering large audiences, forty thousand people in Barcelona, ??thirty miles in Valencia, fifteen miles in Zaragoza 3. Yet this is not failure, precisely because the gathering does not happen, because the troops were not prepared around their emblems, because the stakes of confrontation n was not clearly defined 4. ) - the very word, fascism, captures the nature of the historical phenomenon: a gathering of various forces, whose unity, if not the idea, resulting fait accompli (H 5. ) The natural interlocutor of the employer is the union (or unions) gathering employees

Given are the examples of hindi word garoh usage in english sentences. The examples of garoh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., gathering, assemblage, group.

By the 1890s, Hindus and Muslims were busy gathering funds and support for a Hindu Gymkhana and an Islam Gymkhana.

The natural environment of a particular region determines whether people living in that region rely on agriculture (as in the plains), or on other occupations such as hunting and gathering (as in forest, mountainous or desert regions), or on industries (as in areas that are not fertile enough for agriculture).
Bankim read out Durgeshnandini (1865), his first novel, to such a gathering of people who were stunned to realise that the Bengali novel had achieved excellence so quickly.
In addition to people gathering fruits, nuts and medicines from the forests, their cattle also graze in forest areas or feed on other fodder which is collected from forests.
Some other formats are information gathering interview, counselling interview, interrogatory interview, radio-television interview, and research interview.
The sepoys said: the English were determined to wipe out the religions of the Hindus and the Muslims … they had made a list of eighty-four rules and announced these in a gathering of all big kings and princes in Calcutta.
As you know, a good proportion of the world's population, even today, lives in forests and mountainous regions with hunting and gathering (economic activities) as their primary means of livelihood.
In the Birhor society, children from an early age are allowed enormous freedom to move into forests and learn hunting and gathering skills.
Agriculture, fishing and gathering are good examples.
Many of them lived only by hunting, gathering and fishing; others cultivated corn, beans, tobacco and pumpkin.
संबंधित शब्द गरोह के पर्यायवाची गरोह के विपरीत शब्द