gavaa?naa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest गवाँना gavaa?naa news and headlines :
1. एक बार फिर डोपिंग के कारण खिलाड़ियों को अपना पदक गवांना पड़ा है 1. Here we give some examples borrowed from George Brecht 2. In 1928 and 1929, China finally gets its customs autonomy, but should give most countries with which it signs a treaty the Most Favoured Nation 3. In 1963, they give London ballet Marguerite and Armand that Ashton has prepared for them from the Lady of the Camellias 4. In addition, he readily agreed to give sermons in other dioceses 5. In general, the collection of existing taxes under Spanish rule was continued by trying to give them the maximum

Given are the examples of hindi word gavaa?naa usage in english sentences. The examples of gavaa?naa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sink, miss, lose, spend, give, renounce, go astray, drop, tail off.

When people couldn’t travel quickly from one place to another, did they spend their entire lives wherever they were born?जब लोगों के पास आने-जाने के लिए तेज़ रफ़्तार वाली सवारियाँ नहीं थीं, तो क्या वे यात्रा ही नहीं करते थे| क्या वे अपनी सारी ज़िंदगी एक ही जगह पर बिता दिया करते थे?

Managers at the top level spend more time in planning and organising than managers at lower levels of the organisation.
Some days she may spend more time in planning a future exhibition and on another day she may spend time in sorting out an employee s problem.
The task of a manager is to give a common direction to the individual effort in achieving the overall goal of the organisation.
For example, to take the test scheduled by your teacher, you would have to set goals, plan a time schedule of study, get clarifications in case of problems and if you are not able to tackle the chapters assigned for the test, you may have to think of other ways (e.g., give more time, study with a friend, etc.
erbal tests require subjects to give verbal responses either orally or in a written form.
Those who are outstanding in their creativity may give an indication about the direction in which their creativity lies through their self-chosen activities.
Hamel mounted his chair, and, in the same grave and gentle tone which he had used to me, said, My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you.
What a thunderclap these words were to me! Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town-hall! My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn any more! I must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn t give up.
Have I not often sent you to water my flowers instead of learning your lessons? And when I wanted to go fishing, did I not just give you a holiday? Then, from one thing to another, M.
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