gaharaapan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Civil courage of Václav Havel deeply touches 2. Fragonard deeply belongs to the eighteenth century 3. Górecki is deeply rooted in the popular culture of his country, especially the Tatra Mountain Region, southeast of Katowice 4. Grotius is deeply rooted in the Dutch tradition 5. He deeply loves his country

Given are the examples of hindi word gaharaapan usage in english sentences. The examples of gaharaapan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., depth, deeply.

Coal, therefore, is found in a variety of forms depending on the degrees of compression and the depth and time of burial.

Among the effects of prolonged deprivation on cognitive functioning, it has been found that intellectual functioning and performance on tasks (such as classification, verbal reasoning, time perception, and pictorial depth perception) is lower among the highly deprived compared to those who are less deprived.
You have already learnt about the geomorphic processes particularly weathering and depth of weathering mantle in different climatic zones.
You will learn more about these issues in greater depth in higher classes.
Some of us know our pattern of stress response and can gauge the depth of the problem by the nature and severity of our own symptoms or changes in behaviour.
As the wave moved from earthquake epicenter from Sumatra towards the Andaman islands and Sri Lanka the wave length decreased with decreasing depth of water.
The nutrient content of a soil, the amount of humus present in it and the depth of the soil are some of the factors that decide which plants will thrive on that soil.
She suggested that I might prefer to have my pet on my knee, and I could have kissed her hand in the depth of my gratitude.
संबंधित शब्द गहरापन के पर्यायवाची गहरापन के विपरीत शब्द