gaayab example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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Usage and Example of gaayab 1. अनेक पुराने çांत गायब हो गए और कई नए çांत बनाए गए। 2. एक बार फिर जूते, स्टॉिकंग्स, अंडरवियर और किताबें मिएप के गहरे बैग और जॉन की जेबों में गायब हो रही थीं। 3. अब पूरा साबुन ही गायब है। 4. सभी कहते हैं कि मैं एक मिनट के लिए भी कमरे से बाहर नहीं निकला, महीने-भर गायब रहने की तो बात ही क्या ? 5. घर लौटने की खुशियां गायब हो गईं और मन खट्टा हो गया। 1. Nature is missing from the Preface ( 2. Not to mention the missing Bible, written in 440 to Leo the Great, which played an important role in shaping the style of the School of Tours, in the ninth century 3. Schlegel and especially Herder), England (he translated Macbeth in 1813) and France to achieve a balance that is often missing in his models 4. Spain and Portugal have been so admitted into its ranks only after missing their authoritarian regimes 5. They were used from the beginning of the modern steel industry in the nineteenth century; the steel from tungsten containing ores had very good characteristics; So we thought to add this element to steels that were missing

Given are the examples of hindi word gaayab usage in english sentences. The examples of gaayab are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., missing.

Sometimes, the combined information regarding two or more ratios is given and some missing figureure is to be calculated.

In such a situation, the formula of the ratios will help in working out the missing figureures.
However, in case of a balance sheet the possibility of omission of any item is remote because in case of an omission, the balance sheet will not agree and the accountant will trace the missing item from accounting records.
For other items we have explained as to how available information can be used to ascertain their missing figureures with the help of total debtors and total creditors, total bills receivable and total bills payable accounts and summary of cash.
Therefore, by preparing the total creditors account, a proforma of which is given in figureure 1 4, credit purchases or any other missing figureure related to creditors, as the case may be, can be ascertained as the balancing figureure.
In such a situation, total bills receivable account and total bills payable account can be prepared and the missing figureures ascertained as the balancing figureures.
To ascertain any missing item of receipt or payment, we may prepare a cash book summary showing all receipts and payments during the year and the balancing figureure is taken as the amount of missing item.
If however, both amount paid to creditors and that received from debtors are missing, then any one of these may be obtained first through the total creditors or total debtors account, as the case may be, and the other missing information ascertained from the cash book summary in the same way as stated earlier.
Correct cash balance: It may happens that some of the receipts or payments are missing from either of the books and errors, if any, need to be rectified.
This factor is often missing from a non-democratic government.
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