golaakaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest गोलाकार golaakaar news and headlines :
1. शिवलिंग जमीन से लगभग 85 फीट ऊंचा व 105 फीट गोलाकार है jagran.com2. यह जमीन से लगभग 18 फीट ऊंचा एवं 20 फीट गोलाकार है bhaskar.com3. -कंधों को गोलाकार में दोनों दिशाओं में... bhaskar.com4. -गर्दन को गोलाकार में दोनों तरफ धीमे-धीमे घुमाएं bhaskar.com
5. मार्स रोवर ने अनोखे गोलाकार चट्टान का पता लगाया LiveHindustanUsage and Example of golaakaar 1. गोलाकार तारासमुह ब्रम्हाण्ड निर्माण के समय बने सबसे पहले पिण्ड मे से एक है और ये आज अरबो वर्ष बाद भी है। 2. हमारी आकाश गंगा के गोलाकार तारासमुह की आयु कम से कम ११.३ अरब वर्ष है। 3. इधर-उधर घूमते हुए मुझे दूर पर अचानक एक गोलाकार सफेद चट्टान जैसी वस्तु दिखाई पड़ी। 4. अब मुझे ध्यान हुआ कि यह विशाल सफेद गोलाकार वस्तु इस पक्षी का अण्डा है। 5. पृथ्वी की गोलाकार आकृति एवं अक्ष पर भ्रमण के कारण दिन-रात होते है। 1. In addition, it relies on other distance indicators such as novae, supernovae and globular clusters 2. Mountain low and rounded 3. Sculptures and illustrated books The sculptural work of Max Ernst, while full volumes, smooth, often rounded itself as very independent of his painting 4. ? 1 Fills rounded overcoming some major buildings 5. Geodesic a circular cylinder are parallel and circular helix is ??shown that the geodesic curvature depends only on the first fundamental form; as a result, a local isometric applies geodetic on geodetic Global Properties related to the total curvature Either ?

Given are the examples of hindi word golaakaar usage in english sentences. The examples of golaakaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., circular, spherical, spheric, ball shaped, orbicular, globular, rounded, globose, round, endomorph, spheric(al, globoid, cricoid, rotund, orbiculate, globate.

Hamel had new copies for us, written in a beautiful round hand France, Alsace, France, Alsace.

asco da Gama, a Portuguese sailor, was one of those who sailed across the Atlantic to the African coast, went round it, crossing over to the Indian Ocean.
He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires.
For example, as you have studied in Class I, a tribal society of Africa lives in circular huts, that is, in houses without angular walls.
As they go round the city, they observe the water facilities available in different parts of Chennai.
HAS a snake ever coiled itself round any part of your body? A full-blooded cobra?” All of us fell silent.
The molten magma inside the earth moves in a circular manner as shown in the activity.
It circled round the Sun without breaking apart; nor did it evaporate.
Leaving the wounded man, the king went out of the hut and looked round for the hermit.
Another round of negotiations with Walesa resulted in an agreement in April 1989 for free elections.
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