ghntaarasha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A million and a half dead, another million starving human beings forced to migrate to escape the ugliness and desolation of the homeland, is the heavy toll of the Great Famine 2. Albin Michel provisional toll Jules Renard Chalons, Mayenne, 1864-Paris 1910 Tolerate my intolerance 3. In the summer, floods, mainly due to "rain plums" (baiu) capable of precipitating up to 600 millimeters of water in twenty-four hours exercise huge toll 4. It remains to be seen to what extent the private sector - local and foreign - will embark on highway projects toll 5. The tide takes its toll at more than 100 kilometers from the coast and can reach 7 meters in amplitude

Given are the examples of hindi word ghntaarasha usage in english sentences. The examples of ghntaarasha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., toll.

The official death toll was 3,598 in 198 Thousands, who survived still suffer from one or many ailments like blindness, impaired immune system, gastrointestinal disorders etc.

Both fire and water had clearly taken their toll on this desk.
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