chakatee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of chakatee 1. हालांकि यह प्रभाव अभी तक श्याम विवर के पास देखा नही जा सका है या काली चकती का चित्र नही लिया जा सका है। 2. दो पतली सी चकती के बीच उन्हें आपस में जोड़ने वाली एक महीन सी पिन लगी होती है और उसी पर एक लंबा सा धागा बंधा होता है । 1. The digital optical disk is suitable for all uses 2. The endoderm result of delamination of the lower portion of the embryonic disk 3. This HI disk is sometimes distorted by gravitionnelles interactions between galaxies 4. Turning to the case of unit disk by first studying automorphisms leaving the fixed point O 5. It is possible to determine any consistent representations of the plan itself or on the disk unit itself

Given are the examples of hindi word chakatee usage in english sentences. The examples of chakatee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., disk, disc, patch.

(speaking into a disk which is on a chain around her neck) Captain Omega to Mars Space Control.

Production of certain components such as automobile components or shoe uppers to be used later for producing final products such as cars and shoes; Assembly of components into final products such as assembly of hard disk, mother board, floppy disk drive and modem chip into computers; and Complete manufacture of the products such as garments.
Is there a change in the shape of the moon everyday? Are there days when the shape of the moon appears to be perfectly round? Are there days when the moon cannot be seen at all even if the sky is clear? The day on which the whole disc of the moon is visible is known as the full moon day.
By the early twentieth century, farmers in the Great Plains were breaking the ground with tractors and disk ploughs, clearing vast stretches for wheat cultivation.
संबंधित शब्द चकती के पर्यायवाची चकती के विपरीत शब्द