cheenthana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. And for the same reason, if used separately, if taken as an absolute, it is responsible for a misunderstanding, a kind of discomfort or worry that the naturally refers to all mysterious, eerie effects 2. But literature has airplanes, V1, V2, which go further, worry and harass without taking the decision (SARTRE, Sit 3. But such a movement does not cease to worry 4. However, it is one of the first to worry about the consequences of Prague Spring 5. In 1984, Washington began to worry about the intensification of the war in the Gulf and threats to its maritime traffic

Given are the examples of hindi word cheenthana usage in english sentences. The examples of cheenthana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., worry.

The worry is that the role of money in politics will reduce whatever little voice the poor have in our democracy.

Manchanda's friend in the tyre business tells him he need not worry that much about these problems.
There is reason to worry about a country's long-run prospects if the trade deficit reflects smaller saving or a larger budget deficit (when the economy has both trade deficit and budget deficit, it is said to be facing twin deficits).
There is less cause to worry if the trade deficit reflects a rise in investment, which will build the capital stock more quickly and increase future output.
We worry about problems, feel anxiety, or become depressed.
For example, tell myself that it is not really happening to me, or worry about what I am going to do.
It is, of course, true that non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or worry about majorities and public opinion.
The symptoms include worry and apprehensive feelings about the future; hypervigilance, which involves constantly scanning the environment for dangers.
Hypochondriacs have an obsessive preoccupation and concern with the condition of their bodily organs, and they continually worry about their health.
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