cho?taraa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The Tell Khazneh site on the island of Failaka, Ikaros Greeks, undoubtedly occupies a special place 2. They were driven out ten years later by members of the company of the Royal Adventures Trading in Africa who named the island St 3. This is in Nakatsu, near the coast of the far west of the Inner Sea, the island of Ky sh Yukichi Fukuzawa was born 4. Vincent and Tobago, the French trading posts of Senegal, except the island of Gorée 5. Visiting the island the same day, Interior Minister Jean-Louis Debré advocates the "firmness" and "dialogue"

Given are the examples of hindi word cho?taraa usage in english sentences. The examples of cho?taraa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., terrace, bridge, island, platform.

A walk across the rope bridge leads to the sixty-four-acre island of Nisargadhama.

In a way, transition metals form a bridge between the chemically active metals of s-block elements and the less active elements of Groups 13 and 14 and thus take their familiar name Transition Elements .
Stevenson's Treasure Island (1883) or Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book (1894) became great hits.
In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and Indian wisdom.
Three months in the prison on Blackwell's Island was what he wanted.
For years, Blackwell's Island had been his winter home.
It seemed that this most easy way to the Island was not to be his.
Was no cop going to touch him? He began to think of the Island as if it were as far away as a star.
In al-Idrisi's map, south India is where we would expect to find north India and Sri Lanka is the island at the top.
Now the RBI might decide to fix the exchange rate at a higher level – Rs 47 per dollar – to bridge part of the deficit in BoP.
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