chhadeeee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Four power plants continue production in 1982, partly fueled by small cane farmers: those of Beauport, Gardel and Grosse Mountain in Guadeloupe, and that of Grand Anse Marie-Galante 2. In Mauritius, the area planted in double cane between 1825 and 1831; to Bourbon Island (now Reunion), the rise is even more remarkable 3. Large plantations are devoted to coffee, cotton, bananas and sugar cane 4. Sugar cane is also grown in irrigated areas 5. The government, wanting to modernize the sugar industry, plans to close one of four plants, "clunkers" according to experts, who lose each year the equivalent of the total state aid to cane planters sugar

Given are the examples of hindi word chhadeeee usage in english sentences. The examples of chhadeeee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cane.

Now it consists of two pieces, the blade which is made out of the wood of the willow tree and the handle which is made out of cane that became available as European colonialists and trading companies established themselves in Asia.

Now it consists of two pieces, the blade which is made out of the wood of the willow tree and the handle which is made out of cane that became available as European colonialists and trading companies established themselves in Asia.
From the jalebis my thoughts went to the fees, and from fees to Master Ghulam Mohammed's cane, and from his cane I thought of God.
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