chhalavidyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But the necessary land reform demanded by the campaigns will not yet be in the agenda; they encounter the front landed oligarchy and spell the end of the civil government 2. Everyone can also practice witchcraft, each person has the power to cast a spell 3. One of the old men looked down at me, he would even talk to me when the spell wore off, leaving the twinkling stars pure 4. This house is very introverted; many of its members do not spell and openings to the outside world are very limited: a generally narrow door and very rarely a small window 5. We will make a special spell to an iron pole fragment that is part of the oldest iron objects known in the world, probably derived from meteoric iron, exploitation of iron mines that do not begin in Anatolia before 1200 BC

Given are the examples of hindi word chhalavidyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of chhalavidyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., spell, magic, trick, talisman, enchantment.

But Tilloo had watched his father slip the magic card into a slot.

The first spell of rain was usually not collected as this would clean the roofs and the pipes.
Didn't his doctor tell him to take special precautions against the cold? But he wouldn't remember to put on a sweater even if it was lying on his bedside chair! How could he when Dibya had put her spell on him? She picked up the white woollen pullover, wrapped herself in a shawl and made her way to the roof, to break up his tete-a-tete with Dibya.
Shall we call it in a week's time, here?” A week to plan such an important secret conference of international experts! James thought it an impossible task, but Sir John disagreed, and began to spell out details.
A prolonged spell of rainfall can cause heavy landslide that can block the flow of river for quite some time.
The one at the top is Aladdin from the Orient who built a beautiful palace with his magic lamp.
Some of the common situations that we encounter in our daily life for example, are the sale of ball pens or some magic medicine or book of jokes in the roadways buses; the sale of cosmetics/ detergent powder, door-to-door sales; and the sale of vegetables by the road side by a small farmer.
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