jaj example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जज jaj news and headlines :
शुक्रवार को सुबह बीस लाख फिरौती देने के लिए जिला जज जी श्री देवी व गैंगस्टर एक्ट के विशेष न्यायाधीश संजय कुमार को संबोधित एक रजिस्टर्ड पत्र आयाlivehindustan.comजिला जज से मांगी बीस लाख फिरौतीlivehindustan.comअधिकारिक सूत्रों के अनुसार मंगलवार को दीवानी कचहरी स्थित जिला जज श्रीमती प्रेम कला सिंह के कायार्लय में स्पीड पोस्ट के जरिये एक पत्र मिलाlivehindustan.comUP : चिट्ठी लिखकर जिला जज को दी बम से उड़ाने की धमकीlivehindustan.comमौत से पहले लड़की ने जज से मांगा क्रायोफ्रोजन का अधिकारlivehindustan.com
Usage and Example of jaj 1. उदाहरण के लिए, एक पुलिस ऑफ़िसर, एक जज अथवा एक स्कूल शिक्षक-सब अपने कार्य में निहित सत्ता का प्रयोग करते हैं। 2. कोर्टरूम के बाहर जज किसी भी अन्य नागरिक की तरह हो सकता है। 3. यद्यपि यह बात नियम के विरुद्ध थी, तथापि जज ने दयापूर्वक आज्ञा दे दी। 4. जज ने चोर से कहा क्या तुम्हारी शादी हो गयी है हुई है तो किसके साथ? 5. कभी जज छुट्टी पर चला जाता है तो कभी पुलिस बल या मजिस्ट्रेट उपलब्ध नहीं हो पाता। 1. ) in the forms of justice ( 2. No difference, nor form or procedure, the law does distinguish the decree, he united in his hands the legislature and the executive, and justice was administered in his name 3. So that 'Anytos judge Socrates, Lenin considers empirio (NIZAN, Guard Dogs, 1932, p 4. The Satin Slipper, I, 6, King Gallimard Pierre Corneille Rouen 1606-Paris 1684 Generous spirits judge everything by themselves 5. ) do not seek another rule to judge the work

Given are the examples of hindi word jaj usage in english sentences. The examples of jaj are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., justice.

Providing educational and employment opportunities, following the principles of social justice — This step may help the poor to discover their own abilities and skills, thus enabling them to come up to the level of other sections of society.

Implementing social justice and equality in society may help in reducing frustration levels and thereby curb aggressive tendencies at least to some extent.
Milosevic lost power and was tried by an International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.
These include the appointment of the Chief Justice of India, the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts of the states, the Governors of the states, the Election Commissioners, ambassadors to other countries, etc.
The judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister and in consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
An institution empowered to administer justice and provide a mechanism for the resolution of legal disputes.
Accepts democratic elections as a useful and helpful means for securing the objective of socioeconomic justice in India.
Espouses democracy, Gandhian secularism, equity, social justice and federalism.
There are many such struggles such as those among beedi workers, fisherfolk, agricultural labourers, slum dwellers and each group is struggling for justice in its own way.
The foundation of all movements for justice and the inspiration for all the poetry and songs on equality is the recognition that all people are equal.
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