janaheena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Afterlife Émile Michel Cioran memories R??inari near Sibiu, 1911-Paris 1995 The history of ideas is the history of rancor solitary 2. and no guided crazy, used not to solitary crazy, who acted under the influence of undigested readings or examples; striking at random inspiration Romans, men of good will, t Just in [?tuaza?]: (vx) in any event, whatever happens (? Despite 3. As for inflorescences, if they are typically cymose nature, they can however change in racemes, panicles, corymbs, umbels, or be reduced to solitary flowers 4. Each facing a continual fear and danger of violent death, lives a solitary life, miserable, brutish and short 5. Ecology and biology of the Hydrozoa Hydrozoa contain mostly colonial forms and solitary species are relatively rare (Hydra, and some Gymnoblastides Actinulides)

Given are the examples of hindi word janaheena usage in english sentences. The examples of janaheena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., solitary, lonely, deserts, unfrequented, uninhabited, desert, lonely, unpopulated, unpeopled.

Preference for solitary academic activities for long periods.

The river valleys of the world are densely populated while deserts have spare population.
Depending on the temperatures there can be hot deserts or cold deserts.
Locate the Sahara desert covering a large part of North Africa.
When you think of a desert the picture that immediately comes to your mind is that of sand.
But besides the vast stretches of sands, that Sahara desert is covered with, there are also gravel plains and elevated plateaus with bare rocky surface.
The climate of the Sahara desert is scorching hot and parch dry.
egetation in the Sahara desert includes cactus, date palms and acacia.
The Sahara desert despite its harsh climate has been inhabited by various groups of people, who pursue different activities.
Ladakh is a cold desert lying in the Great Himalayas, on the eastern side of Jammu and Kashmir (Figureure 4).
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