jayana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. However, in the century preceding the Roman conquest of Greece has steadily poorer 2. It has certainly changed over the Gallic conquest 3. Since the conquest of Caesar, in 51 BC, eight centuries have passed, during which the Latin spoken by Roman colonizers has changed dramatically 4. Some of them are previous to the Roman conquest 5. The "New Europe" of Hitler Like Napoleon, Hitler embarked on the conquest of Europe

Given are the examples of hindi word jayana usage in english sentences. The examples of jayana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., conquest, result, winning, win.

Virtually all the plant and animal produce that we use as food today is a result of domestication.वास्तव में आज हम जो भोजन करते हैं वो इसी बसने की प्रक्रिया की वजह से है|

Management seeks to achieve certain objectives which are the desired result of any activity.
An enthusiastic supporter of British conquest of India, Rennel saw preparation of maps as essential to the process of domination.
Normally, such barriers result on account of use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations etc.
Those who are influential and resourceful may prevent them from winning elections.
As a result the total increase in population was very low.
He explained, Richard wasn t interested in winning for winning s sake or winning to get a prize.
Rather, he was winning because he wanted to do the best job he could.
Change in gross profit ratio may result from change in selling price or cost of sales or a combination of both.
The increased food grains procurement at enhanced MSP# is the result of the pressure exerted by leading foodgrain producing states, such as Punjab, Haryana and Andhra Pradesh.
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