jigyaasa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जिज्ञासा jigyaasa news and headlines :
1. हर किसी को अपने भविष्य जानने की जिज्ञासा रहती है bhaskar.com2. हां, अगर किसी चीज के बारे जानने की जिज्ञासा हुई तो उसके बारे में पूरा जान लेने के बाद ही चैन से बैठता हूं bhaskar.com3. मेरे पापा (एक्टर सचिन) की तरह उनमें भी हमेशा कुछ बेहतर और कलात्मक सीखने की सोच-समझ और जिज्ञासा है bhaskar.com4. इस संबंध में कई कथाएं प्रचलित हैं और लोगों में इसको लेकर जिज्ञासा भी हैibnlive.com
5. यह शिवलिंग और इससे जुड़ा चमत्कार न की सिर्फ श्रद्धालुओं के लिए बल्कि वैज्ञानिकों के लिए भी जिज्ञासा का केन्द्र बना हुआ है bhaskar.comUsage and Example of jigyaasa 1. नए अनुभव प्राप्त करने की इच्छा, सूचनाएँ प्राप्त करने से प्रसन्नता की अनुभूति, इत्यादि जिज्ञासा के संकेत हैं। 2. अत:, जिज्ञासा उन व्यवहारों का वर्णन करती है जिनका मुख्य अभिप्रेरक अपने क्रियाकलापों में व्यस्त रहना çतीत होता है। 3. हम अपनी जिज्ञासा एवं संवेदी उद्दीपन की आवश्यकता के कारण परिवेश का अन्वेषण करने के लिए परिचालित होते हैं। 4. जिज्ञासा का भाव हो और दोष मिट जाए सभी। 5. बाकी नामों को देखने की जिज्ञासा भी नहीं रहती। 1. But precisely from day one, from Herodotus and Thucydides, the historian's history is defined against the social function of historical memories and arose as belonging to an ideal of truth and a pure curiosity interest 2. Despite the popularity they face in the West, netsuke are pleasant curiosity rather than sculptures of great artistic value 3. Finally, the extent of knowledge required, which should not be that of a dead erudition where the individual is not a passive receptacle requires great curiosity of mind and sufficient labor power 4. Full technical mastery, maturity and curiosity of mind, freedom 5. Historians are moving toward interdisciplinary research not only by curiosity and sympathy of neighboring human sciences, but by the very necessity of dialogue

Given are the examples of hindi word jigyaasa usage in english sentences. The examples of jigyaasa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., curiosity, inquisitiveness.

From the first he had a driving curiosity along with a bright mind.

But, the curiosity rises about why should some acids be stronger than others? What factors are responsible for making them stronger? The answer lies in its being a complex phenomenon.
These observations often generate curiosity and force us to ask: “Why is it that some people react differently in a given situation than others do? Why is it that some people enjoy adventurous activities, while others like reading, watching television or playing cards? Are these differences stable all through one's life, or are they just shortlived and situation-specific?” A number of approaches and theories have been developed to understand and explain behavioural differences among individuals, and behavioural consistencies within an individual.
” I knew as I did it that it was wrong of me to open the box, but curiosity got the better of my scruples.
The Renaissance Period was marked by increased humanism and curiosity about behaviour.
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