jinda example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जिन्दा jinda news and headlines :
1. शाहरुख खान ने आखिर क्यों कहा 'अच्छा है मेरे पिता जिन्दा नहीं'livehindustan.com2. दो मंजिला मकान ढहा, मलबे से जिन्दा निकाली गई महिलाlivehindustan.com3. छप्पर में लगी आग, माँ और तीन मासूम जिन्दा जलेlivehindustan.com
4. छप्पर में लगी आग, माँ और तीन मासूम जिन्दा जलेlivehindustan.com5. कोई था वो जो दुकान में जिन्दा गया लेकिन उसका कंकाल बहार निकलाlivehindustan.com6. दुकान में जिन्दा गया, बाहर उसकी लाश आई livehindustan.com7. कोई था वो जो दुकान में जिन्दा गया लेकिन उसका कंकाल बहार निकलाlivehindustan.com8. दुकान में जिन्दा गया, बाहर उसकी लाश आई livehindustan.com9. युवती से रेप कर ममेरे भाई ने जिन्दा जलाया, युवती की मौतlivehindustan.com10. वहीं एक नौ माह कि बच्ची जिन्दा जल गई bhaskar.comUsage and Example of jinda 1. जनता में अब तक यही विश्वास है कि वह जिन्दा है। 2. कि अब तक मै क्यो और क्योंकर जिन्दा हूँ । 3. कमजोर कौमों को जिन्दा रहने का कोई हक नहीं, उसी तरह जिस तरह कमजोर पौधों को। 4. जमाने में बेबफा, जिन्दा रहेगी। 5. कि अब तक मै क्यो और क्योंकर जिन्दा हूँ । 1. 100 of the population live in some 550,000 villages in India 2. 100 of the total population live in ten towns of 10,000 inhabitants 3. 4 It is charming creatures ignored by lot, to whom everything had to succeed in life, but who live and die unhappy, tormented by an evil genius, victims of unforeseen circumstances 4. 62 In the words of Philoxenus, the most singular pictures parading before the eyes and did live with his thoughts, its shape and color, he interpreted the author Gautier, contemporary portraits, p Proust, In Search of Lost Time, t Images hallucinatory 4 Branding: 5. 73 Men are made to be developed piled anthills, but scattered over the land they must cultivate Man is of all animals the one that can least live in herds

Given are the examples of hindi word jinda usage in english sentences. The examples of jinda are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., live, on the hoof.

How would the world appear to you? Certainly not a beautiful one! Would you prefer to live in such a world? n all likelihood, your answer will be no .

t also provides an understanding of how people adapt their behaviour according to the environment they live in.
ery few people live in high latitude areas, tropical deserts, high mountains and areas of equatorial forests.
Many more people live north of the Equator than south of the Equator.
Almost three-quarters of the world s people live in two continents Asia and Africa.
Topography: People always prefer to live on plains rather than mountains and plateaus because these areas are suitable for farming, manufacturing and service activities.
Water: People prefer to live in the areas where fresh water is easily available.
Births are usually measured using the birth rate i.e. the number of live births per 1,000 people.
We managed to survive only because of our superior technology, but we were forced to live underground under artificial conditions.
The food requirements of dairy animals are of two types: (a) maintenance requirement, which is the food required to support the animal to live a healthy life, and (b) milk producing requirement, which is the type of food required during the lactation period.
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