jimmedaaree example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जि़म्मेदारी jimmedaaree news and headlines :
करार की मंज़ूरी के बाद यह सरकार की जि़म्मेदारी है... bhaskar.com 1. The first year of the socialist government took place under difficult circumstances 2. The Globe held its place at the forefront in the fight against Minister Polignac, while clearly demarcating the Constitutional anticlerical liberals and Republicans nostalgic 1789 3. The Great Mother had a special place in the art of the Empire 4. The institutions are in place in 1958 5. The interview between the two sovereigns took place on a raft in the middle of the Niemen, June 25, 1807, and ended with the Treaty of Tilsit, signed July 8

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