jeetava example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The two major Greek orders which, from the outset, concurrently exist are the Doric and Ionic 2. There are others, conversely, that there are recently well which actually exist and we recently discovered 3. There can therefore be no question of adding a definition to those that already exist 4. These two extreme forms did exist - but also and above all coexisted 5. They hardly exist in France in the sixteenth century

Given are the examples of hindi word jeetava usage in english sentences. The examples of jeetava are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., survive, subsist, live, breathe, exist, last.

Objects that are made of hard, imperishable substances usually survive for a long time.ऐसे तत्त्व जो कठोर तथा जल्दी नष्ट न होने वाले पदार्थों से बने होते हैं काफी लम्बे समय तक बचे रहते हैं

Plant remains survive far more rarely — if seeds of grain or pieces of wood have been burnt, they survive in a charred form.वनस्पतियों के अवशेष बहुत मुश्किल से बच पाते हैं| यदि अन्न के दाने अथवा लकड़ी के टुकड़े जल जाते हैं तो वे जले हुए रूप में बचे रहते हैं|
People, plants and animals need water to survive and water is found in lakes, streams and rivers.पानी के बिना किसी भी प्राणी या पेड़-पौधो का जीवित रहना संभव नहीं होता और पानी झीलों, झरनों तथा नदियों में ही मिलता है|
Sheep and goat can survive more easily than cattle in dry, hilly environments.सूखी और पहाड़ी जलवायु में मवेशियों की तुलना में भेड़ या बकरी अधिक सहजतापूर्वक जीवित रह सकते हैं|
These are: Management of work: All organisations exist for the performance of some work.
You probably know that McDonalds, the fast food giant made major changes in its menu to be able to survive in the Indian market.
How would the world appear to you? Certainly not a beautiful one! Would you prefer to live in such a world? n all likelihood, your answer will be no .
Different traits can exist in varying degrees in an individual.
Any attribute will be said to exist in a person only if it can be measured by using scientific procedures.
t also provides an understanding of how people adapt their behaviour according to the environment they live in.
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