joshisha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. that of perfumes simple, that is to say extracts or spirits and perfumes that of the compounds (HUYSMANS, Against the Grain, 1884 p 2. The end of time is near and God "hath prepared for man two spirits [ 3. The term has the advantage of denouncing the limitations of this myth indicating the existence of borders texts produced by spirits considered crazy, and who nevertheless literary value 4. This path is called "lunar path" or "way of the spirits 5. ) and the country's first industrial center (metallurgy, textile, spirits refineries, edition)

Given are the examples of hindi word joshisha usage in english sentences. The examples of joshisha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., enthusiasm, zest, spirits, zeal, upbeat, vitality, heart, spirit, ardour, ardor, go, relish, zestfulness, vivacity, gusto, bounce, energy, verve, zeal, vigour, fervor, spark, oomph, zip, dash, warmth, smartness, ardour, alacrity, fervour, mercury, sensation, elan, vigor, briskness, vim, sparkle, fighting spirit, zing, charge, twinkle, blood, ebullience, fire, bang, dynamism.

some people perhaps travelled driven by a spirit of adventure, wanting to discover new and exciting places.कुछ लोग नए और रोचक स्थानों को खोजने की चाह में उत्सुकतावश भी यात्रा किया करते थे|

They would have had to go elsewhere in search of food.भोजन की तलाश में इन्हें दूसरी जगहों पर जाना पड़ता था|
While many rivers and lakes are perennial (with water throughout the year) others are seasonal. People living on their banks would have had to go in search of water during the dry seasons.यद्यपि कई नदियों और झीलों का पानी कभी नहीं सूखता, कुछ झीलों और नदियों में पानी बारिश के बाद ही मिल पाता है इसीलिए ऐसी झीलों और नदियों के किनारे बसे लोगों को सूखे मौसम में पानी की तलाश में इधर-उधर जाना पड़ता होगा|
You go and bring a table.तुम जाओ और एक मेज़ ले आओ|
There is no ink in the pen. Go and get some ink.क़लम में स्याही नहीं है| जाओ और थोड़ी स्याही लाओ|
We go to shop daily and buy milk.हम रोज़ जाकर दुकान से दूध खरीदते हैं|
The stars twinkle in the sky.आकाश में तारे चमकते हैं|
Management is a very popular term and has been used extensively for all types of activities and mainly for taking charge of different activities in any enterprise.
t may be called street smartness or business sense .
These help the individual to go in different directions.
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