jajbaat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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रियो ओलंपिक की जिम्नास्टिक स्पर्धा में चौथे स्थान पर रहने के बाद दीपा कर्माकर भले ही मुस्कुराती हुई नजर आई लेकिन उसकी इस मुस्कान के पीछे अपार दर्द छिपा था और खेलगांव लौटने के बाद वह अपने जज्बात पर काबू नहीं रख सकीlivehindustan.com मदर्स डे पर खेल, सिने और सियासी जगत की तमाम हस्तियों ने सोशल मीडिया पर मां के साथ तस्वीरें शेयर कीं और अपने जज्बात जाहिर किएamarujala.com ' तो काम आती है मां की दुआ', हस्तियों ने जाहिर किए जज्बात amarujala.comबॉलीवुड एक्टर आयुष्मान खुराना ने मदर्स डे पर बेहद खूबसूरती से मां के लिए अपने जज्बात जाहिर किए हैंlivehindustan.comबॉलीवुड एक्टर आयुष्मान खुराना ने मदर्स डे पर बेहद खूबसूरती से मां के लिए अपने जज्बात जाहिर किए हैंlivehindustan.com
Usage and Example of jajbaat 1. था शामिल वजूद में तू , जज्बात की तरह ! 2. क्यूं तेरे दिल में ऐसे जज्बात नहीं। 3. जज्बात सिसकियाँ लेती है,। 4. हर एक ने खेला मेरे जज्बात से ,. शतरंज के मोहरों की तरह .। 5. आज फिर जज्बात के टुकड़ों को ले थरथराया हूँ.। 1. Personal feelings Blum are not doubtful 2. Several critics have found in him feelings of Christians and at times have brought Pascal 3. The world of feelings and, a fortiori, the aspirations for intelligent participation and control are absolutely excluded from such a system (cf 4. We agree with Rousseau that one has feelings before ideas 5. Yet despite all these features, his directness is unique, and the power of words seems to confer with feelings such as increased intensity

Given are the examples of hindi word jajbaat usage in english sentences. The examples of jajbaat are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., feelings.

nterpersonal (sensitivity to subtle aspects of others behaviours) : This is the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people so as to bond into a comfortable relationship with others.

Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive and manage one s and other s feelings and emotions; to motivate oneself and restrain one s impulses; and to handle interpersonal relationships effectively.
Generally, it is understood as a process of exchange of ideas, views, facts, feelings etc.
Emotional reactions, such as grief and fear, irritability, anger (“Why should this happen to me?”), helplessness, hopelessness (“I could do nothing to prevent this event”), depression, sometimes absolute lack of emotion (numbness), guilt feelings for having survived while someone else in the family died, blaming oneself, and lack of interest in even routine activities.
The poor are more likely to suffer from specific mental illnesses compared to the rich, possibly due to constant worriness about basic necessities, feelings of insecurity, or inability to get medical facilities, especially for mental illnesses.
It can be demonstrated in actual action or through the use of harsh words or criticism, or even hostile feelings against others.
It can be said that communication is a conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and/or non-verbal messages that are sent, received, and comprehended.
The actual or objective facts of the problems are considered less important, and it is considered more important to work on the feelings and their acknowledgement by the clients.
It reflects acceptance of the idea that the feelings of both are important.
We should remember that when we form a new relationship, we experience feelings of uncertainty and anxiety.
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