jharnaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. When a foreign substance (antigen) is introduced into the organism, a cascade of cellular reactions is triggered 2. Fumihiko Maki (born in 1928) has the contrary among the architects of the second stream 3. He will be present in all the campaigns of the early nineteenth century, participating in all seats, seats defenses, stream crossings 4. In the Hellenistic historiography hairesis means a stream of thought, rather loosely attached to the philosophical schools provided with stable institutions, such as Plato's Academy or Lycée 5. It is only a question of showing that they are equally against the current of the stream which, for centuries, the design wins that man makes of himself

Given are the examples of hindi word jharnaa usage in english sentences. The examples of jharnaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cascade, waterfall, stream, fountain, water fall, spring, falls, fall.

We usually associate market with marketplaces, but buying and selling takes place in diverse ways and the chapter discusses how all of this falls within a larger understanding of markets.

Dumping of waste and slurry leads to degradation of land, soil, and increase in stream and river pollution.
After the tide falls outside the flood gate, the water retained by the floodgate flows back to the sea via a pipe that carries it through a power-generating turbine.
When acid rain falls and flows as ground water to reach rivers, lakes etc.
The villager's complaint was that a textile company was discharging poisonous chemicals into a stream near his village, contaminating ground water, which was the source for irrigation and drinking water.
The burden of shortfalls in water supply falls mostly on the poor.
When it stops blowing the sand falls and gets deposited in low hill – like structures.
You must have seen that when a raised hammer falls on a nail placed on a piece of wood, it drives the nail into the wood.
The energy transferred to the spring inside is stored as potential energy.
Now it is seen that without the regular grazing by sheep the grass first grows very tall, and then falls over preventing fresh growth.
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