jhaalar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of jhaalar 1. घोंसले में से अनेक तिनके बाहर की ओर लटक रहे थे, गौरैयों ने सजावट के लिए मानो झालर टाँग रखी हो। 2. साजे झालर किन्नरी आवज डफ कठतार ॥२॥। 3. एक तुम्हारी हँसी की झालर खींच यहाँ तक ले आई.। 4. बड़ी भाभी अधूरी चिक में रंगीन छींट की झालर लगाने लगी - 'यह भी बेजा नहीं दिखलाई पड़ता, क्यों मानू? 5. झालर लगी थी. सिर में सफेद रिबन बंधा था. जन्म दिन के लिए बनवाई गयी। 1. According to this view, human activities would fall on the one hand, the dream of free, nobility (fair play), imagination, etc 2. After the Captivity, it becomes more permeable to the influence of Aramaic that prevailed in Galilee, after the fall of Samaria (721 BC 3. After the fall of Boyd, Jacques III took the head of government 4. After the fall of sh h (Feb 5. After the fall of the empire Maurya (deb

Given are the examples of hindi word jhaalar usage in english sentences. The examples of jhaalar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., furbelow, flounce, fall, trimming, border, festoon, ruffle, frill.

pulation in such a way that the scores of most people tend to fall in the middle range of the distribution.

Within the category of industrial goods also output of different kinds of goods tend to rise or fall simultaneously.
Similarly, prices of different goods and services generally have a tendency to rise or fall simultaneously.
However, the Great Depression of 1929 and the subsequent years saw the output and employment levels in the countries of Europe and North America fall by huge amounts.
For example, she may not get a high enough price for the goods she is producing; this may lead to fall in the profits that she earns.
The intensive utilisation of water in the cultivation of rice has also led to environmental degradation and fall in the water level, threatening the sustainability of the agricultural development in these states.
And it s strange how all the birds fall silent as the mist comes climbing up the hill.
Elements which lie at the border line between metals and non-metals (e.g., Si, Ge, As) are called metalloids or semi-metals.
Apart from these, Border Roads Organisation a Government of India undertaking constructs and maintains roads in the bordering areas of the country.
This organisation was established in 1960 for the development of the roads of strategic importance in the northern and northeastern border areas.
संबंधित शब्द झालर के पर्यायवाची झालर के विपरीत शब्द