jhelana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest झेलना jhelana news and headlines :
इस्लाम का उड़ाया मजाक तो ओलंपिक मेडलिस्ट को झेलना पड़ा दो साल का BANlivehindustan.comइस भारतीय तेज गेंदबाज को झेलना पड़ा था आर्मी, पुलिस से रिजेक्शनlivehindustan.comइस भारतीय तेज गेंदबाज को झेलना पड़ा था आर्मी, पुलिस से रिजेक्शनlivehindustan.comवैज्ञानिकों की ये रिसर्च अगर ठीक -ठीक काम कर गई तो आने वाले वक़्त में न तो महिलाओं को बच्चा पैदा करने के लिए इतना दर्द झेलना होगा न ही कोई भी दंपति बेऔलाद ही रहेगाlivehindustan.comवैज्ञानिकों की ये रिसर्च अगर ठीक -ठीक काम कर गई तो आने वाले वक़्त में न तो महिलाओं को बच्चा पैदा करने के लिए इतना दर्द झेलना होगा न ही कोई भी दंपति बेऔलाद ही रहेगाlivehindustan.com
Usage and Example of jhelana 1. युद्ध के बाद सबसे लंबा संकट उसे ही झेलना पड़ा। 2. औद्योगिक देशों में भी मंदी का सबसे बुरा असर अमेरिका को ही झेलना पड़ा। 3. इसके कारण समाज का व्यापक विरोध भी उन्हें झेलना पड़ा। 4. अवस्था को झेलना पड़ता है वह दर्दनाक और मार्मिक है। 5. जब क्लीनचिट मिलने के बाद भी बनवास झेलना पड़ा था तो दुबारा सीडी खुलने के बाद तो न जाने क्या होगा। 1. ; - Maintenance of a social, compulsory and free, in which the woman must undergo during the period of consideration, after which it will be issued a certificate authenticating the interview 2. Accidentally, chromosomes may undergo structural modifications of another type 3. An expeditionary force was sent to Russia, where he will undergo hardship 4. At that time, tax justice, equality before the tax could be conceived in a proportional system, everyone had to undergo an absorbent sampling the same fraction of its income 5. Changing bases: Some methylation DNA bases undergo a specific chemical modification, methylation, they are interested in adenine (prokaryotes), and cytosine (especially in eukaryotes)

Given are the examples of hindi word jhelana usage in english sentences. The examples of jhelana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., undergo, run the gauntlet.

Plant cells however, are enclosed by a relatively inextensible cell wall, thererfore they undergo cytokinesis by a different mechanism.

Although in many cases the chromosomes do undergo some dispersion, they do not reach the extremely extended state of the interphase nucleus.
In the first meiotic division the homologous chromosomes pair to form bivalents, and undergo crossing over.
In order to develop these competencies, psychologists must undergo proper training and education under guided supervision.
The substances that undergo chemical change in the reaction ( 1), magnesium and oxygen, are the reactants.
Salts formed by the reactions between acids and bases in definite proportions, undergo ionization in water.
) of strong acids simply get hydrated but do not hydrolyse, and therefore the solutions of salts formed from strong acids and bases are neutral i.e., their pH is However, the other category of salts do undergo hydrolysis.
The salts of strong acid and weak base, weak acid and strong base, and weak acid and weak base undergo hydrolysis in aqueous solution.
Every asset is bound to undergo some wear and tear, and hence lose value, once it is put to use in business.
Lower alkanes do not undergo nitration and sulphonation reactions.
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