tark example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word tark usage in english sentences. The examples of tark are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., reasoning.

On the other hand, the informationprocessing approach describes the processes people use in intellectual reasoning and problem solving.

These primary abilities are: erbal Comprehension (grasping meaning of words, concepts, and ideas), Numerical Abilities (speed and accuracy in numerical and computational skills), Spatial Relations (visualising patterns and forms), Perceptual Speed (speed in perceiving details), Word Fluency (using words fluently and flexibly), Memory (accuracy in recalling information), and nductive Reasoning (deriving general rules from presented facts).
For example, in less technologically developed societies, social and emotional skills in relating to people are valued, while in technologically advanced societies, personal achievement founded on abilities of reasoning and judgment is considered to represent intelligence.
The combined account is based on the reasoning that allotment without application is impossible while application without allotment is meaningless.
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