taarala example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word taarala usage in english sentences. The examples of taarala are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mobile, agile, spry, fickle, naughty, giddy, scatterbrained, restless, flighty, wavering, volatile, nimble, flickering, quivering, shaking, unstable, unsteady, mercurial, harum scarum, playful, wanton, skittish, erratic, indecisive, volatile, fickle, versatile, capricious, mobile, uncertain, shaky, giddy, fluid, floating, instability, transient, inconsistent, whimsical, precarious, wobbly, planetary, fleeting, lissome, slippery, choppy, unfirm, mercurial, unfocused, inconstant, unfocussed, treacherous, changeable, unreliable, unprecise, afloat, unsteadfast, unliquidated, unstaid, irresolute, unsettled, variable, volatile oils, astatic, wandering, voluptuary, sybaritic, voluptuous.

They looked like little flags floating everywhere in the school-room, hung from the rod at the top of our desks.

, he became restless and started walking on the road in search of a hotel for snacks or meals.
If a ratio is computed with one variable from income statement and another variable from balance sheet, it is called Composite Ratio.
Besides revealing profitability, it is the main variable in computation of Return on Investment.
While wandering about on the third floor they entered a shop that was selling branded readymade clothes.
The new elements with very high atomic numbers are so unstable that only minute quantities, sometimes only a few atoms of them are obtained.
They mostly form coloured ions, exhibit variable valence (oxidation states), paramagnetism and oftenly used as catalysts.
Large positive electron gain enthalpies because the electron has to enter the next higher principal quantum level leading to a very unstable electronic configureuration.
There are many elements which exhibit variable valence.
On the contrary he must have had to face more uncertain and difficult times, for when he began his career, there were no firmly established film producing companies or studios.
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