trotee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word trotee usage in english sentences. The examples of trotee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., spout, tap, beak, faucet, snout, nozzle.

Bungalows here have tap water for major part of the day.

She pays a rent of Rs 650 for the hutment, which has neither a bathroom nor a tap connection.
For 30 such hutments there is a common tap at one corner, in which water comes from a borewell for 20 minutes twice daily.
Besides, students are encouraged to tap other sources of information as well.
Today, in western Rajasthan, sadly the practice of rooftop rainwater harvesting is on the decline as plenty of water is available due to the perennial Rajasthan Canal, though some houses still maintain the tankas since they do not like the taste of tap water.
Golu put his head down close to the crocodile's snout and the crocodile caught him by the nose.
The amount of water which is flowing into the tank from the tap per minute is a flow.
Unchecked burning of fossil fuel is like an unchecked dripping tap which will eventually run dry.
I watched, amazed; in less than a minute he had turned the tap far enough to produce a trickle of water, and after a moment or two achieved the full flow.
(He had been lucky to turn the tap the right way; on later occasions he would sometimes screw it up still tighter, chittering with irritation and disappointment at the tap's failure to cooperate.
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