tvak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word tvak usage in english sentences. The examples of tvak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., peel, scale, nutshell, husk, rind, hull, skin, shuck, coat, crust, shell, bark, skin, hide, pelt.

It was difficult to cross these frontiers, those who wanted could and did scale the mountains and cross the seas.लोगों के लिए इन सीमाओं को पार करना आसान नहीं था, जिन्होंने ऐसा चाहा वे ऐसा कर सके, वे पर्वतों की ऊँचाई को छू सके तथा गहरे समुद्रों को पार कर सके|

Indian manuscripts were usually written on palm leaf, or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas.पाण्डुलिपियाँ प्राय: ताड़पत्रों अथवा हिमालय क्षेत्र में उगने वाले भूर्ज नामक पेड़ की छाल से विशेष तरीके से तैयार भोजपत्र पर लिखी मिलती हैं|
n 1908, when the scale was revised, they gave the concept of Mental Age (MA), which is a measure of a person s intellectual development relative to people of her/his age group.
But fortunately they are not on such a scale so as to defeat the very purpose of elections.
The external parasites live on the skin and mainly cause skin diseases.
Who sings the song? The poetry of earth is never dead: When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead, That is the grasshopper s he takes the lead In summer luxury he has never done With his delights, for when tired out with fun He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.
The theory of Arab origin draws support from the long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt worn by the Kodavus.
The trees inside are moving out into the forest, the forest that was empty all these days where no bird could sit no insect hide no sun bury its feet in shadow the forest that was empty all these nights will be full of trees by morning.
Elements in the same vertical column or group have similar valence shell electronic configureurations, the same number of electrons in the outer orbitals, and similar properties.
For example, the Group 1 elements (alkali metals) all have ns1 valence shell electronic.
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